Tuesday, November 22, 2016

To Set Up A Postulator Group For My Great Uncle

With my great uncle being of the Jesuits when they still lived and defended the Faith and now they do the opposite, I doubt with them being very liberal and progressive would dare touch someone that calls them heretics by their way of life and teaching error, we can always and must pray for their return and reformation to return to how St. Ignatius Loyola founded them.

Here is my Facebook Page for him and I will see what else I can do.

I want good Catholic authors, publishers, and anyone who has good contacts to help reach a lot of Catholics and do this Postulator Group, and those who can set up funding; meaning those who are super trustworthy and can be trusted to set up this part, if I have searched correctly, Postulator groups have to have a great deal of funding for all the advertising and so forth, not to mention all the flight miles.

This funding must be set up to be only used for this work and cannot be taken out for anything else.
With me being disabled and on SSI, my name can’t be on the signature or the disability office stops my payments which I use to pay my medical bills.

So please help, by sharing on every form of social media that you are on and by email.

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