Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Seeking Help To Promote and Study The Cause For Sainthood of William Cardinal Allen

There are many positions needed to help promote and study the cause for sainthood of William Cardinal Allen:

Treasure, those who take care of the funds needed to run this cause, just heard it costed the Archbishop Sheen cause 1 million dollars, especially since they had to go to court to get things moving since the heretical Archdiocese of New York froze the cause moving forward. So, it will take a lot of asking and seeking funding. I hope using the Go Fund Me website will help in this, plus good contacts on how to get good advertisements to raise funds.

President and Vice President
: those who control the cause and will keep it going forward if for some reason the President either has to step down or passes away, as it will take many years, some are still waiting hundreds or thousands of years to finish.

Social Media Directors
: Those in-charge of using Twitter, Gab.ai, Facebook and other Social Media platforms to advertise and help make known the person you are representing. I would like ten or more people.

Door to Door Advertisers
: Those who do ground work to promote the person’s cause for Sainthood.

Public Relations
: Those well versed in Public Relations and can run interference and everything in the higher up parts of the Church and local Dioceses that the person for Canonization came from.

: Those who are masters in Theology and Philosophy of the Church and will study everything the person for canonization ever wrote and said. To make sure it is free from all errors and fully and authentically Catholic and a Defender of the Faith.

: To have staffed on the organization, we must have proper clergy; priests, deacons and bishops, if we can find any that are faithful and traditional.  So they can give the proper Church approval.

Translators, Authors and Publishers
: we must have also on staff, Catholic writers, translators and publishers to properly publish the records and to do a official biological writing on the person for sainthood to be given to the Pope and the Holy Office that will decide if the cause shall move forward. Also to make available the works of this person in a proper translation.

If you are an expert in one of these fields and willing to work for free and totally for this cause and become a 24/7 365 prayer warrior, then I suggest you to contact us.

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