The Process has slowed down a bit, less likes and views so far since we started. Please help us to grow and reach more Catholics and people of Good Will, so we can help my great uncle.
Also, I received a message from the Vatican Library to help correct some errors I have found in trying to help to learn about William Cardinal Allen:
"Vatican City, December 1st, 2016
Prot. 2016/2248/B996
Dear Mr. Baalman,
William Cardinal Allen was not a Librarian in the Vatican Library, but we do preserve a few of his letters:
- Epistolae 2 ad rectorem Collegii Anglorum Romae [Alphonsum Agazzari S.I.], in Reg. lat. 2013, ff. 5r-6r;
- Lettera al vescovo di Eichstä tt, in Vat. lat. 5530, ff. 155-156 (Latin);
- Supplica al papa [Gregorio XIII] onde ottenere un breve per Guglielmo Alllen ... per l'edizione dei libri sacri in volgare, in Vat. lat. 6416, f. 272 (Latin)
Kindest regards,
Luigina Orlandi"
If any Catholic who wrote articles on him, please make the correct changes.
Thank you.
Please continue to join our Prayer Page For His Canonization
Also, please join the Official Facebook Page For This Postulator Group
Friday, December 16, 2016
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Blog Post Letter To The Errant Clergy of the Catholic Church
November 29th 2016
Your Excellencies and Eminences and Venerable Fathers,
I and many others have read your blatant rebukes of the Four
Cardinals who upheld Sacred Tradition and Canon Law regarding the Dubia
questions on His Holiness’ somewhat ambiguous document Amoris Laetitia.
I thought in this time of mercy, one should have love for those who are
enemies and those we dislike very much and much compassion and
forgiveness. But, from those who push the ideology of mercy, does not
live it to their brother Bishops or Cardinals who come out to defend the
Church’s Sacred Teaching on Holy Matrimony and the Holy Eucharist and
who can receive this Sacrament and asked for the needed clarification
regarding some troubling pages in Amoris Laetitia.Your Excellencies and Eminences and Venerable Fathers,
Secondly, to call them heretics or apostates is very wrong to do, because they were not teaching anything falsely, but upholding the Authentic Teaching of Jesus Christ found in the Holy Gospels and Ten Commandments, plus what is handed down by the Church Fathers, Doctors of the Church and other Saintly Teachers, Pontiffs and holy councils. By calling them heretics or apostates, you go against Canon law itself and the Gospel of St. Matthew 18:15-17 on how we must go to our brother that sins, first go to him in private, then bring along witnesses, then finally go to the whole Church; which is what they did, exactly.
Then the bishop of San Diego saying to his Priests to welcome the LGBT communities and those divorced and remarried without the annulment to receive the Holy Eucharist; these are directly contrary to the Teachings of Jesus Christ and the Church and the Priests do not and must not listen to this heretic bishop who is promoting LGBT and Divorce and Remarried to Communion; these go against Holy Scripture as well.
Epistle To The Romans: 1:16-30 “[16] For I am not ashamed of the gospel. For it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth, to the Jew first, and to the Greek. [17] For the justice of God is revealed therein, from faith unto faith, as it is written: The just man liveth by faith. [18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and injustice of those men that detain the truth of God in injustice: [19] Because that which is known of God is manifest in them. For God hath manifested it unto them. [20] For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they are inexcusable.
[21] Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God, or given thanks; but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22] For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. [23] And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and of fourfooted beasts, and of creeping things. [24] Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
[26] For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. [27] And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. [28] And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; [29] Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, [30] Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31] Foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy. [32] Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.”
Epistle To The Romans Chapter Two
“[1] Wherefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest. For wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself. For thou dost the same things which thou judgest. [2] For we know that the judgment of God is, according to truth, against them that do such things. [3] And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them who do such things, and dost the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? [4] Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness, and patience, and longsuffering? Knowest thou not, that the benignity of God leadeth thee to penance? [5] But according to thy hardness and impenitent heart, thou treasurest up to thyself wrath, against the day of wrath, and revelation of the just judgment of God.
[6] Who will render to every man according to his works. [7] To them indeed, who according to patience in good work, seek glory and honour and incorruption, eternal life: [8] But to them that are contentious, and who obey not the truth, but give credit to iniquity, wrath and indignation. [9] Tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that worketh evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Greek. [10] But glory, and honour, and peace to every one that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
[11] For there is no respect of persons with God. [12] For whosoever have sinned without the law, shall perish without the law; and whosoever have sinned in the law, shall be judged by the law. [13] For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. [14] For when the Gentiles, who have not the law, do by nature those things that are of the law; these having not the law are a law to themselves: [15] Who shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness to them, and their thoughts between themselves accusing, or also defending one another,
[16] In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel. [17] But if thou art called a Jew and restest in the law, and makest thy boast of God, [18] And knowest his will, and approvest the more profitable things, being instructed by the law, [19] Art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them that are in darkness, [20] An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, having the form of knowledge and of truth in the law.
[21] Thou therefore that teachest another, teachest not thyself: thou that preachest that men should not steal, stealest: [22] Thou that sayest, men should not commit adultery, committest adultery: thou that abhorrest idols, committest sacrilege: [23] Thou that makest thy boast of the law, by transgression of the law dishonourest God. [24] (For the name of God through you is blasphemed among the Gentiles, as it is written.) [25] Circumcision profiteth indeed, if thou keep the law; but if thou be a transgressor of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.
[26] If, then, the uncircumcised keep the justices of the law, shall not this uncircumcision be counted for circumcision? [27]
And shall not that which by nature is uncircumcision, if it fulfill the
law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision art a transgressor
of the law? [28] For it is not he is a Jew, who is so outwardly; nor is that circumcision which is outwardly in the flesh: [29]
But he is a Jew, that is one inwardly; and the circumcision is that of
the heart, in the spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not of men,
but of God.”
To allow the divorced and remarried who are living in sin of
adultery, those living in cohabitation, the sins of the flesh among the
homo-sexual people as well to receive the Holy Eucharist is going
against what St. Paul teaches regarding how one is to receive the Holy
Eucharist, free from all mortal sin.Epistle to First Corinthians Chapter 11:26-29 “[26] For as often as you shall eat this bread, and drink the chalice, you shall shew the death of the Lord, until he come. [27] Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. [28] But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice. [29] For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord.”
Finally, to the Priest who is the spokesperson for the Holy Father, Father Antonio Spadaro and your weird and un-funny behavior on how you attacked the Cardinals for defending the Church and her Divine Teachings, see them all here
I believe, if you must use a second and secretive account on social media to attack these actual Men of God who stands up for all that is right and holy and those of you who turn and make darkness light and light darkness, who turn truth into bad and bad into truth; following as St. Jean Vianney called you kind of people as children of the world,
“What a very tragic life such people lead, my children, who want to follow the ways of the world without ceasing to be the children of God. Let us go on a little further and you will be able to understand this a little more clearly and to see for yourselves how stupid indeed such a life can be. At one moment you will hear the people who lead it praying or making an act of contrition, and the next moment you will hear them, if something is not going the way they want it, swearing or maybe even using the holy name of God. This morning you may have seen them at Mass, singing or listening to the praises of God, and on the very same day you will hear them giving vent to the most scandalous utterances. They will dip their hands in holy water and ask God to purify them from their sins; a little later they will be using those very hands in an impure way upon themselves or upon others. The same eyes which this morning had the great happiness of contemplating Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament will in the course of the day voluntarily rest with pleasure upon the most immodest objects.”
“You see these people who think they are following God but who are really living up to the maxims of the world. They have no scruples about taking from their neighbour wood or fruit or a thousand and one other things. Whenever they are flattered for what they do for religion, they derive quite a lot of pleasure from their actions. They will be quite keen then and will be delighted to give good advice to others. But let them be subjected to any contempt or calumny and you will see them become discouraged and distressed because they have been treated in this way. Yesterday they wanted only to do good to anyone who did them harm, but today they can hardly tolerate such people, and often they cannot even endure to see them or to speak to them.
Poor worldlings! How unhappy you are! Go on with
your daily round; you have nothing to hope for but Hell! Some would like
to go to the Sacraments at least once a year, but for that, it is
necessary to find an easygoing confessor. They would like . . . . if
only-and there is the whole problem. If they find a confessor who sees
that their dispositions are not good and he refuses them Absolution, you
will then find them thundering against him, justifying themselves for
all they are worth for having tried and failed to obtain the Sacrament.
They will speak evil about him. They know very well why they have been
refused and left in their sinful state, but, as they know, too, the
confessor can do nothing to grant them what they want, so they get
satisfaction by saying anything they wish.
Carry on, children of this world, carry on with your
daily round; you will see a day you never wished to see! It would seem
then that we must divide our hearts in two! But no, my friends, that is
not the case; all for God or all for the world.
You would like to frequent the Sacraments? Very
well, then, give up the dances and the cabarets and the unseemly
amusements. Today you have sufficient grace to come here and present
yourselves at the tribunal of Penance, to kneel before the Holy Table,
to partake of the Bread of the Angels. In three or four weeks, maybe
less, you will be seen passing your night among drunken men, and what is
more, you will be seen indulging in the most horrible acts of impurity.
Carry on, children of this world; you will soon be in Hell! They will
teach you there what you should have done to get to Heaven, which you
have lost entirely through your own fault . . . .
Woe betide you, children of this world! Carry on;
follow your master as you have done up to the present! Very soon you
will see clearly that you have been mistaken in following his ways. But
will that make you any wiser? No, my children, it will not. If someone
cheats us once, we say: ‘We will not trust him any more-and with good
reason. The world cheats us continually and yet we love it. Love not the
world, nor the things which are in the world, St. John warns us. Ah, my
dear children, if we gave some thought to what the world really is, we
should pass all our lives in bidding it farewell. When one reaches the
age of fifteen years, one has said farewell to the pastimes of
childhood; one has come to look upon them as trifling and ephemeral, as
one would the actions of children building houses of cards or sand
castles. At thirty, one has begun to put behind one the consuming
pleasures of passionate youth. What gave such intense pleasure in
younger days is already beginning to weary. Let us go further, my dear
children, and say that every day we are bidding farewell to the world.
We are like travelers who enjoy the beauty of the
countryside through which they are passing. No sooner do they see it
than it is time for them to leave it behind. It is exactly the same with
the pleasures and the good things to which we become so attached. Then
we arrive at the edge of eternity, which engulfs all these things in its
It is then, my dear brethren, that the world will
disappear forever from our eyes and that we shall recognize our folly in
having been so attached to it. And all that has been said to us about
sin! . . . . Then we shall say: It was all true.
Alas, I lived only for the world, I sought nothing
but the world in all I did, and now the pleasures and the joys of the
world are not for me any longer! They are all slipping away from me-this
world which I have loved so well, these joys, these pleasures which
have so fully occupied my heart and my soul! . . . . Now I must return
to my God! . . . . How consoling this thought is, my dear children, for
him who has sought only God throughout his life! But what a despairing
thought for him who has lost sight of God and of the salvation of his
Andrew J. BaalmanThursday, November 24, 2016
Help Me To Promote My Great Uncle For Sainthood
Fellow readers, I am not sure how the Postulator group is to work, because it is usually done by the Diocese of the person who is up for Canonization, so I ask you to spread this by you sharing this, either on Facebook, Twitter, or other Social Media Networks and websites.
My name is Andrew J. Baalman, the 12th Great Nephew of William Cardinal Allen.
He, Cardinal Allen; founded the English College in Douai France, many other Seminaries. Not to mention, he saves my Great Grandfather's life, Fr. Thomas Worthington O.P., he is a theologian and wrote a beautiful book on the Rosary and other Marian Devotions, he was put into Prison in England and sentenced to death for teaching the Faith, but, my uncle, Cardinal Allen; got Fr. Worthington special permission to marry Cardinal Allen's niece and escaped to Douai France to the English College and helped my uncle on the Douay Rheims bible.
With giving the Catholic World, the first ever English Bible; The Douay Rheims, he also wrote numerous works to defend the Faith, also the life of the English Martyrs.
His works can be found on Amazon and they are reprints in the Old English and Latin Type Setting; which is very hard to read and the prices are expensive. The Original Douay Rheims sells on Amazon for $249 which is way to expensive for every day Catholics who want this version than with the footnotes that is sold now.
To help get his works, including the bible he gave us, back in full time print and proper and beautiful English and other Translations to help us learn the Faith, and also to get the price down to where everyone can afford it, I came up with the idea of the Writers, Publishers and Translators of the Catholic World to come together and work together, and contact the different companies re-printing the works and ask for the rights to work on them, to re-publish and properly translate them. One said he doesn't have the time and would be too expensive and others just haven't shown any interest at all; which does cause a great deal to worry about, because these books written in the 1500s are needed now again to defend and teach the Faith against the same errors he faced when fighting the Protestant Revolt.
If you want to help me get this project going, contact me. The one writer said a crowd funding set up; like a Go Fund Me, would be good for this. But, I have problem, I am on SSI and the rules are very strict and I can't set it up, something will have to be done.
Please help me to promote my Uncle and help get his work re-translated, re-published, and prices made for everyone, so they can afford it.
Thank you and God bless you
My name is Andrew J. Baalman, the 12th Great Nephew of William Cardinal Allen.
He, Cardinal Allen; founded the English College in Douai France, many other Seminaries. Not to mention, he saves my Great Grandfather's life, Fr. Thomas Worthington O.P., he is a theologian and wrote a beautiful book on the Rosary and other Marian Devotions, he was put into Prison in England and sentenced to death for teaching the Faith, but, my uncle, Cardinal Allen; got Fr. Worthington special permission to marry Cardinal Allen's niece and escaped to Douai France to the English College and helped my uncle on the Douay Rheims bible.
With giving the Catholic World, the first ever English Bible; The Douay Rheims, he also wrote numerous works to defend the Faith, also the life of the English Martyrs.
His works can be found on Amazon and they are reprints in the Old English and Latin Type Setting; which is very hard to read and the prices are expensive. The Original Douay Rheims sells on Amazon for $249 which is way to expensive for every day Catholics who want this version than with the footnotes that is sold now.
To help get his works, including the bible he gave us, back in full time print and proper and beautiful English and other Translations to help us learn the Faith, and also to get the price down to where everyone can afford it, I came up with the idea of the Writers, Publishers and Translators of the Catholic World to come together and work together, and contact the different companies re-printing the works and ask for the rights to work on them, to re-publish and properly translate them. One said he doesn't have the time and would be too expensive and others just haven't shown any interest at all; which does cause a great deal to worry about, because these books written in the 1500s are needed now again to defend and teach the Faith against the same errors he faced when fighting the Protestant Revolt.
If you want to help me get this project going, contact me. The one writer said a crowd funding set up; like a Go Fund Me, would be good for this. But, I have problem, I am on SSI and the rules are very strict and I can't set it up, something will have to be done.
Please help me to promote my Uncle and help get his work re-translated, re-published, and prices made for everyone, so they can afford it.
Thank you and God bless you
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Promoting The Cause Of William Cardinal Allen
About William Cardinal Allen and My Relation To Him
About William Cardinal Allen
“Cardinal; b. England, 1522; d. Rome, 16 Oct., 1594. He was the third son of John Allen of Rossall, Lancashire, and at the age of fifteen went to Oriel College, Oxford, where he graduated B. A. in 1550, and was elected Fellow of his College. In 1554 he proceeded M. A., and two years later was chosen Principal of St. Mary’s Hall. For a short time he also held a canonry at York, for he had already determined to embrace the ecclesiastical state. On the accession of Elizabeth, and the re-establishment of Protestantism, Allen was one of those who remained most stanch on the Catholic side, and it is chiefly due to his labours that the Catholic religion was not entirely stamped out in England. Having resigned all his preferments, he left the country in 1561, and sought a refuge in the university town of Louvain. The following year, however, we find him back in England, devoting himself, though not yet in priest’s orders, to evangelizing his native county. His success was such that it attracted notice and he had to flee for safety. For a while he made himself a missionary centre near Oxford, where he had many acquaintances, and later for a time he sought protection with the family of the Duke of Norfolk.
In 1565 he was again forced to leave England, this time, as it turned out, for good. He was ordained priest at Mechlin shortly afterwards. The three years Allen spent as a missioner in England had a determining effect on his whole after life. For he found everywhere that the people were not Protestant by choice, but by force of circumstances; and the majority were only too ready, in response to his preaching and ministrations, to return to Catholicity. He was always convinced that the Protestant wave over the country, due to the action of Elizabeth, could only be temporary, and that the whole future depended on there being a supply of trained clergy and controversialists ready to come into the country whenever Catholicity should be restored. It was to supply this need that he founded the College at Douay since identified with his name.
The idea first developed itself in his mind during a pilgrimage to Rome in company with Dr. Vendeville, Regius Professor of Canon Law in the University of Douay, in 1567. No doubt this was one reason why he thought of Douay as a suitable place for his new college; but it was by no means the only one. Douay was a new university, founded by Pope Paul IV, under the patronage of King Philip of Spain (in whose dominions it then was), for the special object of combating the errors of the Reformation; and, what is still more to the purpose, it was already under Oxford influences. The first chancellor, Richard Smith, was an Oxford man, as were several of the most influential members of the university at the time when Allen began.
It was his ambition to perpetuate Oxford influences and traditions, and to make his new college practically a continuation of Catholic Oxford. A beginning was made in a hired house on Michaelmas Day, 1568. The means of support included, besides Allen’s private income, and other voluntary donations, a yearly pension of 200 ducats from the King of Spain, and later on one of 100 gold crowns a month from the Pope. The number of students grew rapidly. Often more were received than the income warranted, a course rendered necessary by the urgent state of Catholic affairs, which Allen met in the spirit of faith; and in the long run, means were never wanting.
The names of Thomas Stapleton, Richard Bristowe, Gregory Martin, Morgan Philips, and others are still well known to English Catholics, and are themselves a sufficient record of the ability of Allen’s early companions, and of the work done at the college. Allen had the power of instilling his spirit into his followers. They lived together without written rule, but in perfect mutual harmony, working for the common cause. From the Douay press came forth a constant stream of controversial and other Catholic literature, which could not be printed in England on account of the Penal Laws. In this Allen himself took a prominent part. His writings are distinguished by extent of learning and theological acumen. One of the chief works undertaken in the early years of the college was the preparation of the well-known Douay Bible. The New Testament was published in 1582, when the college was at Rheims; but the Old Testament, though completed at the same time, was delayed by want of funds. It eventually appeared at Douay, in 1609, two years before the Anglican “Authorized Version”.
Reprinted From The New Advent Catholic Dictionary
My Relation To William Cardinal Allen
Thanks to Ancestry I have learned a lot of my family, more so on my mother’s side which reaches throughout European history and every Royal and Noble Family of Europe, but also a great heritage within the history of the Catholic Church and part of heroes of the Counter Reformation that battled heretics and helped to keep the Faith strong and defended. So, here is my relation to William Cardinal Allen
Anne Allen (1540-)
Daughter of John Allen
Roger Worthington (1588-1649)
Son of Anne Allen
Rev. John Worthington (1618-1678)
Son of Roger Worthington
Captain John Worthington (1650-1701)
Son of Rev. John Worthington
Thomas Worthington (1691-1753)
Son of Captain John Worthington
Thomasina Worthington (1724-)
Daughter of Thomas Worthington
John Worthington Warfield (1741-1811)
Son of Thomasina Worthington
Arnold Warfield (1775-1859)
Son of John Worthington Warfield
Margaret Arine Warfield (1823-1885)
Daughter of Arnold Warfield
William Oliver Pulver (1859-1930)
Son of Margaret Arine Warfield
My Second Great Grandfather
Blanche Pulver (1908-1996)
Daughter of William Oliver Pulver
My Great Grandmother
Maxine Marie Stimaze (1927-2000)
Daughter of Blanche Pulver
My Grandmother
Anita Marie Stimaze (1953-Living)
Daughter of Maxine Marie Stimatze
My Mother
Andrew Jerome Baalman (1988-Living)
Son of Anita Marie Stimatze
“Cardinal; b. England, 1522; d. Rome, 16 Oct., 1594. He was the third son of John Allen of Rossall, Lancashire, and at the age of fifteen went to Oriel College, Oxford, where he graduated B. A. in 1550, and was elected Fellow of his College. In 1554 he proceeded M. A., and two years later was chosen Principal of St. Mary’s Hall. For a short time he also held a canonry at York, for he had already determined to embrace the ecclesiastical state. On the accession of Elizabeth, and the re-establishment of Protestantism, Allen was one of those who remained most stanch on the Catholic side, and it is chiefly due to his labours that the Catholic religion was not entirely stamped out in England. Having resigned all his preferments, he left the country in 1561, and sought a refuge in the university town of Louvain. The following year, however, we find him back in England, devoting himself, though not yet in priest’s orders, to evangelizing his native county. His success was such that it attracted notice and he had to flee for safety. For a while he made himself a missionary centre near Oxford, where he had many acquaintances, and later for a time he sought protection with the family of the Duke of Norfolk.
In 1565 he was again forced to leave England, this time, as it turned out, for good. He was ordained priest at Mechlin shortly afterwards. The three years Allen spent as a missioner in England had a determining effect on his whole after life. For he found everywhere that the people were not Protestant by choice, but by force of circumstances; and the majority were only too ready, in response to his preaching and ministrations, to return to Catholicity. He was always convinced that the Protestant wave over the country, due to the action of Elizabeth, could only be temporary, and that the whole future depended on there being a supply of trained clergy and controversialists ready to come into the country whenever Catholicity should be restored. It was to supply this need that he founded the College at Douay since identified with his name.
The idea first developed itself in his mind during a pilgrimage to Rome in company with Dr. Vendeville, Regius Professor of Canon Law in the University of Douay, in 1567. No doubt this was one reason why he thought of Douay as a suitable place for his new college; but it was by no means the only one. Douay was a new university, founded by Pope Paul IV, under the patronage of King Philip of Spain (in whose dominions it then was), for the special object of combating the errors of the Reformation; and, what is still more to the purpose, it was already under Oxford influences. The first chancellor, Richard Smith, was an Oxford man, as were several of the most influential members of the university at the time when Allen began.
It was his ambition to perpetuate Oxford influences and traditions, and to make his new college practically a continuation of Catholic Oxford. A beginning was made in a hired house on Michaelmas Day, 1568. The means of support included, besides Allen’s private income, and other voluntary donations, a yearly pension of 200 ducats from the King of Spain, and later on one of 100 gold crowns a month from the Pope. The number of students grew rapidly. Often more were received than the income warranted, a course rendered necessary by the urgent state of Catholic affairs, which Allen met in the spirit of faith; and in the long run, means were never wanting.
The names of Thomas Stapleton, Richard Bristowe, Gregory Martin, Morgan Philips, and others are still well known to English Catholics, and are themselves a sufficient record of the ability of Allen’s early companions, and of the work done at the college. Allen had the power of instilling his spirit into his followers. They lived together without written rule, but in perfect mutual harmony, working for the common cause. From the Douay press came forth a constant stream of controversial and other Catholic literature, which could not be printed in England on account of the Penal Laws. In this Allen himself took a prominent part. His writings are distinguished by extent of learning and theological acumen. One of the chief works undertaken in the early years of the college was the preparation of the well-known Douay Bible. The New Testament was published in 1582, when the college was at Rheims; but the Old Testament, though completed at the same time, was delayed by want of funds. It eventually appeared at Douay, in 1609, two years before the Anglican “Authorized Version”.
But the work for which Allen’s college is now most
famous was not part of his original scheme, but an outgrowth from it.
This was the sending over of missionaries to work for the conversion of
England in defiance of the law, while the country still remained in the
hands of the Protestants. There were practically no Catholic bishops
left, and the Marian clergy were rapidly dying out. Granted that the
Protestant rule was to continue indefinitely, the only method to save
the Catholics from extinction was to send priests from abroad, and Allen
was given “faculties” for all England to impart to them.
They had to face a hard and precarious life, often persecution, the rack, or even death. When found out they could be convicted of high treason, for which the punishment was to be hanged, drawn and quartered. More than one hundred and sixty Douay priests are known to have been put to death, the great majority belonging to the secular clergy. Many more suffered in prison as Confessors for the Faith. Yet such was the spirit which Allen infused into his students that they rejoiced at the news of each successive martyrdom, and by a special privilege sang a solemn Mass of thanksgiving. And the success of the “Seminary Priests”, as they were called, was such that at the end of Elizabeth’s long reign it is said that the kingdom was still at heart more than half Catholic. In 1575 Allen made a second journey to Rome, where he helped Pope Gregory XIII to found another college to send missionaries to England. For this purpose possession was obtained of the ancient English hospice in the city, which was converted into a seminary. Returning to Douay, Allen found a storm gathering against the English and in 1578 they were expelled from the town.
The collegians took refuge at the University of Rheims, where they were well received, and continued their work as before, Allen being soon afterwards elected canon of the Cathedral Chapter. In 1579 he paid his third visit to Rome, being summoned thither in order that he might use his unique personal influence to adjust the dispute between the English and Welsh students at the new college there. It was during this visit that he was appointed a member of the Pontifical Commission for the revision of the Vulgate.
Up to this point the career of Allen had won the universal admiration and gratitude of English Catholics, for what he himself termed his “scholastical attempts” to convert England. Such was not, however, the case with his political labours to secure the same end, which may be said to have begun about this time, and were far less successful. The famous Bull “Regnans in excelsis” was issued by Pius V in 1570, deposing Queen Elizabeth, and releasing her subjects from their allegiance, but it did not take practical shape till seventeen years later, when preparations were made for the invasion of England by the King of Spain. Allen was then once more in Rome, whither he had been summoned by the Pope after a dangerous illness two years before. He never left the Eternal City again, but he kept in constant communication with his countrymen in England. It had been due to his influence that the Society of Jesus, to which he was greatly attached, undertook to join in the work of the English mission; and now Allen and Father Parsons became joint leaders of the “Spanish Party” among the English Catholics.
The exhortation to take up arms in connection with the Spanish invasion, printed in Antwerp, was issued in Allen’s name, though believed to have been composed under the direction of Father Parsons. At the request of King Philip, Allen was created cardinal in 1587, and held himself in readiness to go to England immediately, should the invasion prove successful. In estimating the number of those who would be adherents to the scheme, however, Allen and Parsons were both at fault. The large majority of English Catholics, generously forgetting the past, sided with their own nation against the Spanish, and the defeat of the Armada (1588) was a subject of rejoicing to them no less than to their Protestant fellow countrymen. Allen survived the defeat of the Armada six years. To the end of his life he remained fully convinced that the time was not far distant when England would be Catholic again. During his last years there was an estrangement between him and the Jesuits, though his personal relations with Father Parsons remained unimpaired. In 1589 he co-operated with him in establishing a new English college at Valladolid, in Spain. The same year he was nominated by Philip II Archbishop of Mechlin; but, for some reason which has never been satisfactorily explained, the nomination, although publicly allowed to stand several years, was never confirmed. He continued to reside at the English College, Rome, until his death, 16 October, 1594. He was buried in the chapel of the Holy Trinity adjoining the college.
They had to face a hard and precarious life, often persecution, the rack, or even death. When found out they could be convicted of high treason, for which the punishment was to be hanged, drawn and quartered. More than one hundred and sixty Douay priests are known to have been put to death, the great majority belonging to the secular clergy. Many more suffered in prison as Confessors for the Faith. Yet such was the spirit which Allen infused into his students that they rejoiced at the news of each successive martyrdom, and by a special privilege sang a solemn Mass of thanksgiving. And the success of the “Seminary Priests”, as they were called, was such that at the end of Elizabeth’s long reign it is said that the kingdom was still at heart more than half Catholic. In 1575 Allen made a second journey to Rome, where he helped Pope Gregory XIII to found another college to send missionaries to England. For this purpose possession was obtained of the ancient English hospice in the city, which was converted into a seminary. Returning to Douay, Allen found a storm gathering against the English and in 1578 they were expelled from the town.
The collegians took refuge at the University of Rheims, where they were well received, and continued their work as before, Allen being soon afterwards elected canon of the Cathedral Chapter. In 1579 he paid his third visit to Rome, being summoned thither in order that he might use his unique personal influence to adjust the dispute between the English and Welsh students at the new college there. It was during this visit that he was appointed a member of the Pontifical Commission for the revision of the Vulgate.
Up to this point the career of Allen had won the universal admiration and gratitude of English Catholics, for what he himself termed his “scholastical attempts” to convert England. Such was not, however, the case with his political labours to secure the same end, which may be said to have begun about this time, and were far less successful. The famous Bull “Regnans in excelsis” was issued by Pius V in 1570, deposing Queen Elizabeth, and releasing her subjects from their allegiance, but it did not take practical shape till seventeen years later, when preparations were made for the invasion of England by the King of Spain. Allen was then once more in Rome, whither he had been summoned by the Pope after a dangerous illness two years before. He never left the Eternal City again, but he kept in constant communication with his countrymen in England. It had been due to his influence that the Society of Jesus, to which he was greatly attached, undertook to join in the work of the English mission; and now Allen and Father Parsons became joint leaders of the “Spanish Party” among the English Catholics.
The exhortation to take up arms in connection with the Spanish invasion, printed in Antwerp, was issued in Allen’s name, though believed to have been composed under the direction of Father Parsons. At the request of King Philip, Allen was created cardinal in 1587, and held himself in readiness to go to England immediately, should the invasion prove successful. In estimating the number of those who would be adherents to the scheme, however, Allen and Parsons were both at fault. The large majority of English Catholics, generously forgetting the past, sided with their own nation against the Spanish, and the defeat of the Armada (1588) was a subject of rejoicing to them no less than to their Protestant fellow countrymen. Allen survived the defeat of the Armada six years. To the end of his life he remained fully convinced that the time was not far distant when England would be Catholic again. During his last years there was an estrangement between him and the Jesuits, though his personal relations with Father Parsons remained unimpaired. In 1589 he co-operated with him in establishing a new English college at Valladolid, in Spain. The same year he was nominated by Philip II Archbishop of Mechlin; but, for some reason which has never been satisfactorily explained, the nomination, although publicly allowed to stand several years, was never confirmed. He continued to reside at the English College, Rome, until his death, 16 October, 1594. He was buried in the chapel of the Holy Trinity adjoining the college.
The following is a list of his printed works: “Certain Brief Reasons concerning the Catholick Faith” (Douay, 1564);
“A Defense and Declaration of the Catholike Churches Doctrine touching Purgatory, and Prayers of the Soules Departed” (Antwerp, 1565), re-edited by Father Bridgett in 1886;
“A Treatise made in defense of the Lawful Power and Authoritie of the Preesthoode to remitte sinnes &c.” (1578);
“De Sacramentis” (Antwerp, 1565; Douay, 1603); “An Apology for the English Seminaries” (1581);
“Apologia Martyrum” (1583); “Martyrium R. P. Edmundi Campiani, S.J.” (1583);
“An Answer to the Libel of English Justice” (Mons, 1584);
“The Copie of a Letter written by M. Doctor Allen concerning the Yeelding up of the Citie of Daventrie, unto his Catholike Majestie, by Sir William Stanley Knight” (Antwerp, 1587), reprinted by the Chetham Society, 1851;
“An Admonition to the Nobility and People of England and Ireland, concerning the present Warres made for the Execution of his Holines Sentence, by the highe and mightie Kinge Catholike of Spain, by the Cardinal of Englande” (1588);
“A Declaration of the sentence and deposition of Elizabeth, the usurper and pretended Queene of England” (1588; reprinted London, 1842).
“A Defense and Declaration of the Catholike Churches Doctrine touching Purgatory, and Prayers of the Soules Departed” (Antwerp, 1565), re-edited by Father Bridgett in 1886;
“A Treatise made in defense of the Lawful Power and Authoritie of the Preesthoode to remitte sinnes &c.” (1578);
“De Sacramentis” (Antwerp, 1565; Douay, 1603); “An Apology for the English Seminaries” (1581);
“Apologia Martyrum” (1583); “Martyrium R. P. Edmundi Campiani, S.J.” (1583);
“An Answer to the Libel of English Justice” (Mons, 1584);
“The Copie of a Letter written by M. Doctor Allen concerning the Yeelding up of the Citie of Daventrie, unto his Catholike Majestie, by Sir William Stanley Knight” (Antwerp, 1587), reprinted by the Chetham Society, 1851;
“An Admonition to the Nobility and People of England and Ireland, concerning the present Warres made for the Execution of his Holines Sentence, by the highe and mightie Kinge Catholike of Spain, by the Cardinal of Englande” (1588);
“A Declaration of the sentence and deposition of Elizabeth, the usurper and pretended Queene of England” (1588; reprinted London, 1842).
Among the known ancient portraits of Cardinal Allen
are the following: Painting formerly in refectory of the English
College, Douay, found after the Revolution in the upper sacristy of the
parish church of St. Jacques, now at Douai Abbey, Woolhampton; copy of
same at St. Edmund’s College, Old Hall; painting formerly the property
of Charles Brown Mostyn, Esq., now at Ushaw College, Durham; painting in
archiepiscopal palace, Rheims; and a later one, representing him as an
old man, at English College, Rome. Also a Belgian print, reproduced in
“History of St. Edmund’s College”, and various reproductions of the
above paintings.”
Reprinted From The New Advent Catholic Dictionary
My Relation To William Cardinal Allen
Thanks to Ancestry I have learned a lot of my family, more so on my mother’s side which reaches throughout European history and every Royal and Noble Family of Europe, but also a great heritage within the history of the Catholic Church and part of heroes of the Counter Reformation that battled heretics and helped to keep the Faith strong and defended. So, here is my relation to William Cardinal Allen
His Eminence, William Cardinal Allen (1522-1594)
My 12th Great Uncle
My 12th Great Uncle
John Allen (1500-1564)
Father of Cardinal Allen
Father of Cardinal Allen
Anne Allen (1540-)
Daughter of John Allen
Roger Worthington (1588-1649)
Son of Anne Allen
Rev. John Worthington (1618-1678)
Son of Roger Worthington
Captain John Worthington (1650-1701)
Son of Rev. John Worthington
Thomas Worthington (1691-1753)
Son of Captain John Worthington
Thomasina Worthington (1724-)
Daughter of Thomas Worthington
John Worthington Warfield (1741-1811)
Son of Thomasina Worthington
Arnold Warfield (1775-1859)
Son of John Worthington Warfield
Margaret Arine Warfield (1823-1885)
Daughter of Arnold Warfield
William Oliver Pulver (1859-1930)
Son of Margaret Arine Warfield
My Second Great Grandfather
Blanche Pulver (1908-1996)
Daughter of William Oliver Pulver
My Great Grandmother
Maxine Marie Stimaze (1927-2000)
Daughter of Blanche Pulver
My Grandmother
Anita Marie Stimaze (1953-Living)
Daughter of Maxine Marie Stimatze
My Mother
Andrew Jerome Baalman (1988-Living)
Son of Anita Marie Stimatze
To Set Up A Postulator Group For My Great Uncle
With my great uncle being of the Jesuits when they still lived and
defended the Faith and now they do the opposite, I doubt with them being
very liberal and progressive would dare touch someone that calls them
heretics by their way of life and teaching error, we can always and must
pray for their return and reformation to return to how St. Ignatius
Loyola founded them.
Here is my Facebook Page for him and I will see what else I can do.
I want good Catholic authors, publishers, and anyone who has good contacts to help reach a lot of Catholics and do this Postulator Group, and those who can set up funding; meaning those who are super trustworthy and can be trusted to set up this part, if I have searched correctly, Postulator groups have to have a great deal of funding for all the advertising and so forth, not to mention all the flight miles.
This funding must be set up to be only used for this work and cannot be taken out for anything else.
With me being disabled and on SSI, my name can’t be on the signature or the disability office stops my payments which I use to pay my medical bills.
So please help, by sharing on every form of social media that you are on and by email.
Here is my Facebook Page for him and I will see what else I can do.
I want good Catholic authors, publishers, and anyone who has good contacts to help reach a lot of Catholics and do this Postulator Group, and those who can set up funding; meaning those who are super trustworthy and can be trusted to set up this part, if I have searched correctly, Postulator groups have to have a great deal of funding for all the advertising and so forth, not to mention all the flight miles.
This funding must be set up to be only used for this work and cannot be taken out for anything else.
With me being disabled and on SSI, my name can’t be on the signature or the disability office stops my payments which I use to pay my medical bills.
So please help, by sharing on every form of social media that you are on and by email.
Seeking Help To Promote and Study The Cause For Sainthood of William Cardinal Allen
There are many positions needed to help promote and study the cause for sainthood of William Cardinal Allen:
Treasure, those who take care of the funds needed to run this cause, just heard it costed the Archbishop Sheen cause 1 million dollars, especially since they had to go to court to get things moving since the heretical Archdiocese of New York froze the cause moving forward. So, it will take a lot of asking and seeking funding. I hope using the Go Fund Me website will help in this, plus good contacts on how to get good advertisements to raise funds.
President and Vice President: those who control the cause and will keep it going forward if for some reason the President either has to step down or passes away, as it will take many years, some are still waiting hundreds or thousands of years to finish.
Social Media Directors: Those in-charge of using Twitter,, Facebook and other Social Media platforms to advertise and help make known the person you are representing. I would like ten or more people.
Door to Door Advertisers: Those who do ground work to promote the person’s cause for Sainthood.
Public Relations: Those well versed in Public Relations and can run interference and everything in the higher up parts of the Church and local Dioceses that the person for Canonization came from.
Theologians: Those who are masters in Theology and Philosophy of the Church and will study everything the person for canonization ever wrote and said. To make sure it is free from all errors and fully and authentically Catholic and a Defender of the Faith.
Clergy: To have staffed on the organization, we must have proper clergy; priests, deacons and bishops, if we can find any that are faithful and traditional. So they can give the proper Church approval.
Translators, Authors and Publishers: we must have also on staff, Catholic writers, translators and publishers to properly publish the records and to do a official biological writing on the person for sainthood to be given to the Pope and the Holy Office that will decide if the cause shall move forward. Also to make available the works of this person in a proper translation.
If you are an expert in one of these fields and willing to work for free and totally for this cause and become a 24/7 365 prayer warrior, then I suggest you to contact us.
Treasure, those who take care of the funds needed to run this cause, just heard it costed the Archbishop Sheen cause 1 million dollars, especially since they had to go to court to get things moving since the heretical Archdiocese of New York froze the cause moving forward. So, it will take a lot of asking and seeking funding. I hope using the Go Fund Me website will help in this, plus good contacts on how to get good advertisements to raise funds.
President and Vice President: those who control the cause and will keep it going forward if for some reason the President either has to step down or passes away, as it will take many years, some are still waiting hundreds or thousands of years to finish.
Social Media Directors: Those in-charge of using Twitter,, Facebook and other Social Media platforms to advertise and help make known the person you are representing. I would like ten or more people.
Door to Door Advertisers: Those who do ground work to promote the person’s cause for Sainthood.
Public Relations: Those well versed in Public Relations and can run interference and everything in the higher up parts of the Church and local Dioceses that the person for Canonization came from.
Theologians: Those who are masters in Theology and Philosophy of the Church and will study everything the person for canonization ever wrote and said. To make sure it is free from all errors and fully and authentically Catholic and a Defender of the Faith.
Clergy: To have staffed on the organization, we must have proper clergy; priests, deacons and bishops, if we can find any that are faithful and traditional. So they can give the proper Church approval.
Translators, Authors and Publishers: we must have also on staff, Catholic writers, translators and publishers to properly publish the records and to do a official biological writing on the person for sainthood to be given to the Pope and the Holy Office that will decide if the cause shall move forward. Also to make available the works of this person in a proper translation.
If you are an expert in one of these fields and willing to work for free and totally for this cause and become a 24/7 365 prayer warrior, then I suggest you to contact us.
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